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Saturday, 21 September 2019

The biggest Alpha

Its every gamers goal to be the biggest alpha that they can be..

wanna hit Oxford st?
-Get more access to highest grade pussy possible..
-more control over your own life path..
-no one tends to fuck with you..
or is it a primal urge that has been scribed into us via thousands of years of evolution, that society has stifled over time and only a handful can coax out. Either way its clear that some Men are born with a character that naturally leads, and the vibe one gets from the presents of these select micro group is a unique blend of control,dicision and vision, so here I'm going to rank my top alpha. I worked for him for a year and the vibe that man carried remains the strongest influence thats stuck with me, obviously he's a role model that I've tried to simulate, meeting him when I was 19 was a good thing as strong male role models were scarce, and they still are.

1. Micheal Roux

          Micheal Roux is owner and chef of Le Gavroche  The sheer charisma of the man was mind blowing and insisted on your full attention al all times, his determination to task was intense. Theres no doubt bringing these qualities to the street results in a knee deep in clunge scenario.

I'd be fucking good at daygame..

         I've been watching some Good daygamers lately and have noticed theres a lot of similarities in their vibe, its refreshing to watch, when daygame displays clean authenticity, charisma and dertermination the vibe is as mesmerising to gamers as it is to the bird on the receiving end, its simply pure. The authenticity of it can't be faked by Depak or any other random chump. For some people it can be achieved through natural means like Michel Roux or Steve Jabba but that concept is completely foreign to people like me. The rest of us needed the shrill dose of reality that a thousand street sets gives you to wake the fuck up.

       Gamers greatest weapon to combat 'Gammerness' is Daygame as its real world feedback won't let your train head in the wrong direction for too long.

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